
Milk Thistle

just noticed that I look really windswept here...and I'm totally cool with that. all mysterious behind my shades and whatnot.

dress, $3 secondhand. coat, secondhand from a friend. booties, h&m. sunglasses, rb3447.

I am in such a great mood right now, sleep deprived and all! I just got out of my Art History class, and found out I got an A on the midterm! I'm stoked, especially since I studied so hard for it. I only got 7 questions wrong out of 75, and scored 100% on the second section of the test. I feel like a celebratory dance is appropriate, though I'm going to wait till I see my boyfriend so that I have someone to fist pump/hop around with. 
In other insignificant/unimportant news, I finally installed a new stereo in my car. Now instead of repetitively listening to a cd until my head explodes, my friends and I can choose songs at our whim and create awesome driving playlists on my iPhone. Speaking of iPhone's, who has downloaded iOS 5? Well, I have and it's amazing. I'm in love. If I could marry an inatimate object, I would marry this phone (If you know me, then you know I say that about everything, but this is different. It's true love. True, I tell you). 
<rant> I'm so tired right now that I'm making spelling mistakes with almost every other word. My fingers are not listening to my brain, and it's frustrating. I guess it's time for my 500th cup of joe for the day. </end rant>
Anywho, this outfit screams pumpkin/halloween/fall love. This is me, intentionally celebrating the change in weather/the month of October. If it could be fall for half of the year, I would not complain. Alas, the cool perfect weather is gone once again, and it's 85 degrees outside. Oh global warming, you sleigh me. At least I have a big floppy hat to protect my translucent skin from the lovely UV rays. 
I'm off to write a speech outline & go write up a gallery paper, have a good day everyone xox

now playing: conor oberst & the mystic valley band, "sausalito" 

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