
Floral Creams

I love the way this skirt drapes. The only downside is that it wrinkles really easily, though it's still a great $3 find. 

It's not all that noticeable with layers, but the maxi skirt I'm wearing is actually about five sizes too big (if I don't wear a belt, it wont even stay on my waist). When belted, though, it looks like a paper bag waisted skirt, which I really like.

This hair clip was an impulse buy, as I hadn't even been looking to buy hair clips. I thought that the simple clean look of this clip was a perfect accent to my obsession with gold toned everything, so into my shopping bag it went.

hair clip, h&m.

blouse(s), gap. maxi skirt, secondhand. belt, secondhand. espadrilles, steve madden.

Finally! I found time to edit photos, thus ze new blog post. *high fives all around*
How has everyone been doing? I hope all of you enjoyed your weekends. I spent my Saturday and Sunday working, as per usual. After work, I had copious amounts of fun doing homework, yeeeaaaah.  
This is probably one of the lightest colored outfits I've ever worn, and believe me when I say that I was extra cautious with where I placed my derriere. I would love to wear white and cream colored outfits more often, though the realist in me knows that the tones would not work out for a normal school day. This wasn't exactly the most form fitting outfit, but the comfort level was off the charts. Even though I trekked around campus all day in wedges, these are some of the most comfortable shoes that I own. 
Currently: tying myself down, trying to fall into the flow of the busy days ahead. I have a lot planned for this week on top of already time consuming homework, but I promise you, I'll try to update my blog at least every other day! 

now playing: the velvet underground, "she's my best friend"

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Thank you for taking the time to read and comment, it means so much! Have a beautiful day.